5 Ways To Stay Comfortable on Long Hikes

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We all know hiking has its benefits– immersing yourself in nature, challenging the body, and clearing the mind. But let's face it, long hikes can be tough on your body, especially your hips. So, how do you stay comfortable on those long trail days? The following five tips will help you out.

1. Choose the Right Backpack

Not all backpacks are created equal. To ensure long-term comfort on the trail, look for a backpack that has form-fitting hip belts. These belts mold to your hips in a custom fit over time, distributing the weight evenly and reducing strain on your back and shoulders. It's a bit like fitting ski boots– you want that perfect fit for maximum comfort.

2. Break in Your Gear

Just like brand-new ski boots, new hiking gear takes time to break in. Take the time to break in your backpack, boots, and yes, even your belt. This will help everything mold to your body and reduce the chances of discomfort or blisters that will make your hike memorable– in all the wrong ways.

3. Choose the Right Belt

To ensure a perfect fit from your hiking pants or shorts, add an elastic hiking belt to your wardrobe. Our A2 Stretch Belt is a great option for hikers, as it's thin, flexible, and low-profile, making it comfortable to wear with a backpack. Plus, it's a hiking pants belt designed to move with you, providing support without restricting your movement.

4. Shop For Your Body 

Gender-specific backpacks are essential for comfort and weight distribution on the trail, as men and women carry weight differently. Many backpack brands offer gender-specific designs, with different hip belt shapes to accommodate these differences. Make sure to choose gear that's designed for your body for the most comfortable fit.

For example, women's backpacks often feature contoured hip belts and narrower, more curved shoulder straps to accommodate wider hips and a narrower frame, while men's packs have straighter hip belts and broader shoulder straps. These design differences make sure that the pack fits well, reducing strain and making long treks more manageable for the body.

5. Listen to Your Body

While hiking is often about pushing yourself, it’s also about listening to your body. If something feels uncomfortable, adjust it. If you're tired, take a break. Remember, hiking is about enjoying the journey, not just reaching the destination.

Keep these tips in mind the next time you’re out for a long hike– because just like going on a hike is a journey, finding the gear that supports your body is too. 

And when it comes to support, we've got your back (and your hips). Our hiking belts are designed to be your perfect trail companion. Made from flexible material and featuring a low-profile buckle, our lightweight hiking belts are ready for whatever the trail throws at you.

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